Informed Participation
In order to examine the topic of the effects of violence that included sexual abuse, punishment, physical abuse or any type of child maltreatment that could be seen based on a student’s school performance, we will collect data using surveys and interviews. The participants will be informed that the data collected will be anonymous. The purpose of collecting this data is to deepen our understanding of how we can help students who have encountered violence.Participants will be given a consent form to indicate them that they will have the choice to take the survey or not, and guaranteeing that all results will be kept confidential.
Voluntary Participation
In order to ensure that participants do not feel forced into the study, they will be informed that at any moment during the research they don’t feel comfortable, they can choose to withdraw from the study. Upon their withdrawal, their results and information will be destroyed, to ensure confidentiality.
Confidentiality and Anonymity
The confidentiality of research participants is extremely important. The identity of research participants will be confident and all information collected will be confidential as well. Interviews will be conducted privately and surveys will be administered via computer. Each Participant will be given a number to keep track of their information without revealing their identity. The SurveyMonkey will be created to take a survey and be given a confirmation number at the end. If the participant wishes to withdraw from the study, they can simply email their confirmation number to the survey administrator, who will destroy the information collected.
Protection From Harm
There are none foreseen risks of participating in the study, as all information collected will be kept confidential and all participants will remain anonymous. The subject matter may evoke negative feelings for some, although the participants are asked to answer the questions as impartially as possible and without including personal narrative and these questions will be performed by clinically trained staff. In order to make participants who may feel overwhelmed by the subject matter more comfortable, there will be an opportunity at the end of the survey for the participant to choose whether or not they would like their results included in the overall data.
Participation of Children
The participation of children into our research is extremely important. Therefore we will try to gather children from their schools once we are extremely sure that they might suffer from abuse, once this is proved we will gather the children and ask them to draw pictures.Children will agree to participate because researchers will be kind toward the children and will be helpful in order for children to express themselves and share their problems.
Researchers will review and organize data without judgement or personal involvement. The data will be analyzed and summarized without bias or alteration. This will be done by dividing the percentages of participants who answer each question the same way, as opposed to asking questions that are open ended and leave room for personal input or opinion. For example, if %45 of participants answered question one ©, there is no way to alter that number.
Data Security
Each participant will be given a number that will replace their name, participants will be the only ones with access to this number. All files that include personal information for these participants will be locked away in a filing cabinet, or destroyed upon a participant’s withdrawal from the study. The only person with access to this information will be the researcher.
Dissemination and Use of Research
Our research will help find out if children are abused and which is the impact on their school performance. This could be achieved with the help of both children as well as faculty. The research will provide answers to understand why abuse may affect the child’s education and this could be a great opportunity for people who are interested in this matter. This research will also be extremely helpful to understand the causes of abuse and the impact that it has on children as this topic is constantly researched. If the research is conducted well by asking the right questions we will gather the results we want.