According to Frechette, Zoratti, and Romanso’s research, they state that adults with a history of mental illness and substance abuse, experience a side effect of mood and personality disorders. According to this research it is believed that these parents have a higher risk of physically abusing their children. This connects substance abuse to child physical […]
Over the years there have been many research on autism and the development of autism. Through various classes and the little that we know on autism, it is been said that it is not genetic. It is not a disability people are born with or can it be identified in the first year of a […]
Corisa Ramkissoon Tayla Goldberg Literature Review Everyone deserves a fair chance in getting an education. No matter your circumstances, such as, being disabled, you should have the rights to your education. Our topic or main focus is, funding for special education students in elementary school. We are interested in finding if there a enough […]
Children aging out of the foster system face many challenges and hardships as they transition into adulthood. However, the foster care system is supposed to provide the best programs and resources for these children in which some cases they often don’t. Our topic is How does aging out of the foster care system affect youth […]
Literature review When a young person under the age of eighteen is charged with a crime the case is handled in the Juvenile Justice System. The Juvenile Justice System deals with youth who are caught and convicted of a crime. It is intended to punish and rehabilitate adolescents who show criminal behavior. The intentions of the juvenile […]
It is often debated whether the media influence teenage girls’ dissatisfactions with their bodies. Teenage girl’s dissatisfaction towards their bodies has been associated to eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa can be caused by social, environmental, and psychological factors. Some researchers like Holmstrom (2004) state that factors such as personality traits and […]
For our literature review we will focus on the relationship between physical education and its effect on academic achievement in schools in urban areas. We will do this by addressing the importance of opportunities for physical education today, along with the following factors, health, testing scores, and amount of PE time. In order to fully […]
Noguera, P. A. (2003) City Schools and the American Dream, Ch 3 This literature review allows one to understand the link between race and academic achievement amongst minorities who are underprivileged. According to the author “minority and disadvantaged children tend to not do as well in school than affluent white students” (Noguera, 2003). There are […]
Children exposed to domestic violence has a variety of effects on a child. However, schools are the one place where children feel safe and are away from the violence they are experiencing in their homes. Our topic is how domestic violence affects a child’s academic performance, and the strategies that can be used to help […]
Child labor is a global crisis that affects generations of children. The constant exploitation of children leads to a number of negative outcomes on the child’s psychical, emotional and psychological well-being. Our topic is child labor and its relationship with inter-generational factors. As we conducted this literature review what we wanted to discover is why […]