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Ethical Considerations


Informed participation:

Before we perform anything, we must first make sure the children and parents are well informed of what our research would entail.  This consent form will outline what we would be doing within our research. Children have always been taken for granted and are often overlooked when asked questions. Some of them never have a voice in what they want or what they would like to say.  We would also make sure that the children are given the most respect because they are for one our future generations.

Voluntary participation:

The consent for that we would provide to them would be like a legal document whereby it would have a section of whether or not they would like to participate in the interview. This gives them the opportunity to decide whether or not they would like to participate.

Confidentiality and anonymity:

In order for the participants to feel safe during our interview, we plan to keep their identities anonymous. We wouldn’t say their names before, during or after the interview. We would make sure that they are safe during the course of the interview process. We would however use the location of the organization just to have documented in our records.

Protection from harm:

Doing this study has no intentions on harming any participants that are involved. We will interview children (youth age), the directors at the organization with much needed discretion. We will respect them, their environment, staff, and organization.

Participation of Children:

In order for us to use the youth in our study, we would create some consent form that will entail some confidentiality points before we begin interviewing. As a team, we plan on going to the organization and speaking with the directors and personnel within the organization. They will be our gatekeepers. After speaking with the director of the organization, he or she will then inform their staff and associates of our interview to come. Anyone who desires to sign up will become our gatekeepers. These individuals will then give the youth a consent form outlining the details and information about the interview. It will highlight the confidentiality of our study so that they know that whatever is said in confidence will not leak into the outside world. We would explain to the directors, staff of the organization as well as the youth that the main purpose of our interview is to understand what type of resources in regards to housing accommodations are available once they age out of the foster care system.


We would not be biased and put our feelings into their feelings during the interview. Adults have a tendency to neglect the opinions of children and instead say what they themselves feel and not what the children feel. Whatever questions we may ask during this interview, we will reassure them that their responses will only be centered on what they tell us.

Data security:

In order to protect the safety and security of the data we collect from our participants, would make sure that our paper work is classified information and no one but the two of us will have access to the information.

Dissemination and use of research:

A lot of people that may read or be in our research may have the misunderstanding or misconception of our study. We will make sure that we explain what our research is and the purpose of our research. We will also explain what it entails and reassure the participants that they can be comfortable and safe with us during our research. Also, we will make our findings of this research to be understandable and clear as possible for those reading our research. Those people who have the intention on misusing our work or trying to patent our research as theirs, there will be a copyright disclaimer in our research.

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