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Data Collection Methodology

Post #4-Survey/Data Collection Methods

Tayla Goldberg

Corisa Ramkissoon

Post #4 Data Collection Methods



1. What is the specific type of qualitative data collection method you will use? Why?

Refer to and cite an article that discusses the use of this method, and why it is relevant to the study you are proposing.

We are using survey to gather and collect data about the lack of funding and programs for children with disabilities. We are using survey as our method to be able to have a yes, no and why they feel a certain way towards their child’s program or lack of.


Population and Sample

  1. Who is your population of interest?

Our population of interest for our survey are parents and teachers of children with disabilities.


  1. Will you use a participatory or non-participatory approach to collecting your data?

No we are aren’t using a participatory approach, since we do not have students and children participating in our survey.


  1. Sampling techniques
    1. What sampling frame will you use to select your sample?
      1. Are there different categories of people in your sample? Why these


Yes, we wanted to gather information based on parents and teachers of children with disabilities to see how the feel about the programs for disabled children.


  1. How many people will you select from the population as your sample.

For this sample we are going to use 30 adults, 15 parents and 15 teachers.

  • How many within each category if there are multiple?

Just one.


  1. What sampling technique will you use
    1. Purposeful sample

By selecting this sample we have a clear view of who we want to hear from.


  1. Simple random sample
  • Cluster sample
  1. Stratified sample
  2. etc.

Study site

  1. What is the site of your study?

We will be using schools to talk to teachers and parents along with sending them e-mails to do the survey at home/work.

  1. Have you selected it purposefully? Why?

Yes we want to gather information and research about parents and teacher’s feelings and reactions to programs dedicated to help educate children with disabilities.

  1. How many sites will you be studying?

Just one.

  1. If you will need to gain access to it, how will you do that?

By gaining access to our study site, we need to obtain permission from the principal of the school along with certain teachers to have access to the teachers, parents and classrooms.


Data collection procedures (some possibilities based on my polling of the class…) a) Survey

  1. How many will you distribute?

We will distribute 30 surveys’ to 15 parents and 15 teachers.

  1. How will you disseminate it
    1. Mail
    2. In person.
  • E-Mail etc.

E-Mail is the most successful way for us to distribute these surveys’ due to the fact parents and teachers are so busy in school and work and during the day, these participants have the access and the ability to do it at anytime they have a handful of free minutes.

  1. How long do you think it will take to complete?

This survey should take about 5-10 minutes the most to complete if the participants want to answer the why part of each question we ask.

  1. Include
  2. a) Sample of your survey
  • Are there enough programs or schools to help educate your child with disability/special needs?

YES                        NO                         SOMETIMES                         Why-

  • Is there enough help to provide your child with disability/special needs enough guidance throughout the school day?

YES                        NO                         SOMETIMES                         Why-

  • Are you ever afraid for your child/student being ignored or treated poorly?

YES                        NO                         SOMETIMES                         Why-

  • Do you think there are enough teachers/aides to help the disabled children?

YES                        NO                         SOMETIMES                         Why-

  • Do you think the curriculum is beneficial for your child/student with a disability?

YES                        NO                         SOMETIMES                         Why-

  1. b) Interviews
  2. How will you recruit participants for your interview?
  3. Will you be interviewing different categories of people (i.e. parents,

teachers, children, etc.)? How will the interviews differ?

  1. Will it be a formal or semi-structured interview?
  2. Will it be one-on-one or group? Why?
  3. If a group interview, how many in the group?
  4. How will you record your observations and why?
    1. Paper / pencil
    2. Audio or video-recorder
  • Etc
  1. How long will the interviews take?
  2. Include a sample of your interview questions
  3. c) Documents
  4. What documents will you be collecting and why?
  5. Are the public or private documents? How will you gain access to private


  1. What are you looking for in these documents?
  2. d) Experiment
    1. How will the sample be divided into control and experiment groups
    2. How will you implement your independent variables
    3. How will you record the effect of the independent variable on the response

variable (dependent variable)

  1. e) Ethnographic observation
    1. Where will you observe the phenomena you are interested in
    2. How will you record your observations and why?
      1. Paper / pencil
      2. Audio or video-recorder
  • Etc
  1. f) Participatory observation
    1. Where will you observe the phenomena you are interested in
    2. How will you record your observations and why?
      1. Paper / pencil
      2. Audio or video-recorder
  • Etc.
  1. g)  Bodymapping
    1. Since many people are unfamiliar with the method, how will you explain it to participants?
    2. What materials will you need?
    3. Will participants be using an existing body map, or making their own?
    4. What kind of data are you asking to be mapped?
    5. How will you ask them? What are the questions that will guide

participants without leading them?

  1. How will you ensure that what they have mapped corresponds with the

phenomenon you are interested in?


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