Data Analysis
If you are collecting qualitative data:
- We will organize our data analysis by starting off with basic simple questions, after that we will then slowly move into more deeper and personal questions, so that we can get closer to our answer. Our data will be focused first on New York City child abuse, once we are done with this topic we then we will go into higher income neighborhoods. We will type up field notes, categorize all of our material by sorting the data into different types of topics.
- We will first begin by recording general thoughts about the data and then We will use structure to keep our data organized, we will make sure to strategize the information by the importance of the topic and how personal it is to the victim.
- The themes will be child abuse in higher income families and substance abuse.
- We will use the codes: child abuse, higher income families, substance abuse, these words will describe the main purpose of the data and organize hem into categories and group topics that relate to one another. We will draw lines between the categories to show the relationships between the topics.
- We will represent our data with tables with the connection of higher income families and substance abuse causing child abuse.
- The bases for interpreting the analysis will be the personal experience from the people we will be interviewing.
- The first strategy we will use to validate the findings is to examine the evidence that the interviewee told us, reassure the accuracy of it, describe the findings, and clarifying whatever is unclear.