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Data Analysis Plan

Analysis post

Corisa Ramkissoon

Tayla Goldberg



Collecting Quantitative Data


In our experiment, the independent variable would be the number of disabled students that did not get a fair education or the proper funding for their education. To lead this part of our experiment, we will conduct one on one interview with students themselves on their experience with the type of education they are receiving. We will also ask parents and teachers to part-take in a small anonymous survey. Our control group would be the students who feel that their education is being pulled away from them. Our dependent variable would be parents and teachers who agree that their child or students are being cheated of their education. The univariate tools we will be using to understand our variables would be, both bar graphs and pie charts. These will help us to analyze data from different types of disabilities such as Autism, Deaf/Blind, Developmental Delay, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment/Deafness, Intellectual Disability, Other Health Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Visual Impairment/Blindness.


The level of measurement of our experiment would be discrete and not continuous. The data we will be collecting would show the different types of disabilities who are affected for poor education systems and funding. We will be using discrete data rather than continuous that measures for time. The type of bivariate tools we will use to uncover relationships between variables will be correlation coefficient. It coeficient that illustrates a quantitative measure of some type of correlation and dependence meaning statistical relationships between two or more random variables or observed data values. After collecting our data, we will be able to move forward with our research. If the data collected all adds up to children with disabilities receiving an unfair amount of education and funding, further actions will be taken such as taking it into the hands of higher authorities in the department of education.




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