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Research Design

This category contains 22 posts

Method Practice Report 1- Interview

The method that I decided to try was the interview method. I decided to try the interview method to obtain data because I have never done a one-on-one interview with an adult or a child. I think that by trying this method, I could determine whether an interview is a method suitable for my research […]

Observing Behavior using the ABA & ABC Models

METHOD: ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) ABC (Antecedent Behavior Consequences) For our Method practice we chose to use two different observation methods. The first is the ABA method which stands for Applied Behavior Analysis. Which focuses on principles to explain how learning takes places. ABA is also used to bring out meaningful and positive behavior within […]

Method Practice Report #1-Interview Method

For this method, I chose to use the interview method. I find this method before in my previous research projects and I felt it to be more suitable and informative because it allows you to come up with your own questions. I never really had experience interviewing children because all my interviews involved adults. But […]

“There are no right or wrong answers”: my experience interviewing a child

For this method practice I chose to use the interview method.  In past research projects, I’ve chosen this method and found it to work well for me, so I felt comfortable enough to conduct an interview and analyze the data afterward. I have experience in interviewing both adults and children ages ranging from 2-13. This […]

“What do you think about when you hear the word Christmas?” – an interview

For this assignment I decided to try the interview method. I wanted to try this method because I’ve had the opportunity to interview an adult, but I’ve never interviewed a child before so I wanted to experience this. I tried the interview method with my 11-year old cousin. The interview took place in her room […]

Surveying Parents of Children with Disabilities

A survey is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals. Surveys are commonly used in research to collect self-report data from participants in a study. A survey can be administered in a couple of different ways: one method, similar to a structured interview, is when researchers ask the participant the questions, while […]

Interviews with Children

When one hears the word interview, what comes to mind? Interview is a meeting at which information is obtained (as by a reporter, television commentator, or pollster) from a person. It is also when people talk to each other in order to ask questions and get information. Interviews can be held by anyone but how […]

A Visual Method to Research “How 3 and 4 year-old Students Get to School”

Visual method was used to conduct a simple research with a group of fifteen 3 and 4 year-old students at the H.E.S Early Childhood program where I work as an afternoon assistant as well as a substitute teacher. The research question : How are the children in the Green room  are transported to school. This […]

Observation and Ethnography

What is Ethnography? The term ethnography is qualitative research where the purpose is to provide an in depth description of everyday life and practice. Long-term engagement in the field setting or place where the ethnography takes place, is called participant observation. Ethnography has been regarded as one of the key research methods in exploring the […]


During this class, we focused on the issue of play in NYC to examine how maps elucidate concepts in Children and Youth Studies. Drawing from “Containing Children: some lessons for planning for play from New York City” by Roger Hart, we compared how the issues discussed in the article can be evidenced in various maps […]

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